It is a good idea to send the customize resume as per the position and requirement. But it is not possible to mention each and every skill on your resume. This will result in a long and cumbersome document. And also difficult for hiring managers to search for the relevant information required from the resume. Your resume preparation effort will result in having a standard format for your resume. You can add or delete information based upon the specific demand for the job that you are applying to.

customized resume preparation

Resume is to highlight your achievements and project who you are in written words. This is a living document and the most important document in your job search.

The resume is the most crucial document to attract the attention of your prospective employer. The hiring manager will look at your resume before she has an opportunity to talk to you or meet you. The resume preparation is more important if you are approaching the hiring manager through your network or references. It is important to have the best possible customized resume for the job that you are applying for. You have to highlight your experience, qualification, and achievement related to the job requirement.

You can have several versions of your resume appropriate for different openings. To begin with, the basic resume preparation activity should focus in creating a master copy of your resume. This is the simplest form of your resume. It should contain your contact details including your name, contact phone number, and e-mail ID for communication. You can also mention your Linkedin/ Facebook/ Instagram link as relevant to your line of profession.

After that, it should contain a brief summary of your experience in four or five sentences. This is your elevator speech highlighting your experience relevant to the job and overall achievement in your career. This will be the first thing that a hiring manager sees to decide her next course of action. If she wants to go through the rest of the resume or ignore the resume depend upon your summary. You have to be creative to write your experience summary and provide her strong reason to call you for an interview.

The next paragraph can highlight your skills related to your profession,  soft skill, and hard skill. This should give an idea to the hiring manager that you have the required skills for the job. You can write this in a tabular format or paragraph format. Please find out the key skills or words that are important for the opportunity. Then you can pick up five or ten very important or key skills. You have to mention those skills along with the number of years of experience on those skills.

Education or work experience: which will come first

You can mention your educational qualification, certification, etc on the next item. You can also keep this information as the last part of your resume. Some of the jobs need specific education and certification to work in those jobs. In that case, you can mention your education details on the 1st page of your resume. But if you have good experience then you can keep the information as the last part of the resume.

Once you have grabbed the attention of the hiring manager then she will go through your job experience. The best approach is to present your working experience in chronological order with the most recent experience in the beginning. The job experience should contain your employer’s details and employment details. The employment summary should have work location details, the period of employment and your position information.

showcasing your work experience

The first paragraph on your experience can mention a little bit about your employment organization and your position. Keep it within two to three statements.

The second paragraph can describe your responsibility and the third paragraph can promote your achievement.

Employers always prefer candidates with demonstrated experience in adding revenue to the organization or saving wasteful expenses. Your resume needs those types of achievements to influence the hiring manager to shortlist you for an interview. For example, you can mention your contribution to acquiring significant business by introducing a new channel of business or saving expenses by improving the business process. It can also mention any other way that you have helped in saving expenses or adding revenue.

It is advisable to show your achievement with numerical information. That information will influence the hiring manager to shortlist your resume from bunch of resumes.

If you have a gap in employment then it looks good to mention those gaps and reasons for unemployment. It can be personal, educational, or professional. This will maintain certain continuity on your resume.

Once you are done with your resume then run it through the word processing software. The software will check spelling and grammar.  By doing this, you can get a chance to improve your resume. You can articulate your information in a better way after running it through different online tools. Those tools can check the grammar and tone of your sentences. This effort will improve the overall look and feel of your resume.

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