Professional Reference Check

Professional Reference Check

Companies examine past performance as a great indicator of future performance. Professional Reference Check will give them an idea of a candidate’s professionalism, interpersonal communication abilities, job-specific skills, and productivity.
The hiring manager will give more value to the feedback from supervisors at the most recent workplace. The reason being that feedback from most recent co-workers has more relevant and accurate information on your performance. It is easy for HR to contact the most recent co-workers. Those ex-colleagues are most accessible and can share the most updated information on you.

Who can be your references

In general, most employers aim to get four or five professional or supervisor references to contact. Then they shortlist two or three from the list to reach for a background reference check. Sometimes the employer may need more references due to the sensitivity of the position.

Initiate activities to have a minimum of five professional references from the three recent most jobs before you start applying for jobs. It will take some time to get in touch with your contacts and onboard them as your references. Your proactive action will help you be comfortable in responding quickly to the background check request by the prospective client.
You can give references from your current and previous employment. But you as a candidate have the right to advise prospective employers not to contact your present employer for a professional reference check. This option is to safeguard your confidentiality and avoid any problem with your current employer. It is upon you to add your current reporting manager or colleagues to the references. Your previous bosses or colleagues are the best references.

Give preference to people for a professional reference check who can speak to your ability to do the work required for the position and talk about your commitment to work. They should highlight your technical and functional knowledge of subjects and your ability to handle more responsibilities. If you seek opportunities for a business development position, then your references will need to speak about your ability to generate more business from the existing client and develop relationships with the key decision-makers.

Preferred list For reference check

  • The prospective employer will give more value to references from your
  • previous boss or executives in a more senior position
  • Previous clients or suppliers. It is possible to share the client details as long as you do not have any conflict of interest. Ensure that you are free from the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) or Non-Compete Agreement (NCA).
  • Recent or previous colleagues from the same department
  • Your colleagues from other departments who have worked with you and used your expertise
  • Your Subordinates from the same department or related departments

Personal reference check

Some companies and industries follow a practice to conduct a personal character background check. You may see some Background check documents mention about Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and your right under the FCRA. That means the company wants to keep the option open to do your character background check.
This report may contain information about your character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and mode of living, among other relevant things. This information may be obtained from various sources, including but not limited to government agencies, past employers, personal interviews with those who know you and others.

Important steps for a robust list of reference check

Steps-By-Steps strategy

  • Follow the steps-by-steps strategy to maintain a robust professional and personal character reference list.
  • Prepare a list of current or former colleagues, supervisors, clients, or business partners.
  • Rank them based on their title, influence, size of the organization, duration of relationships.
  • Check their professional social profiles and give more weight to professional references with presentable social profiles. Sometimes the HR team will check their professional profiles on social networks (LinkedIn).
  • Pick up the top 5 references who can vouch for your capabilities. Try to maintain good professional relationships with your contacts.
  • Keep a list of five references for personal character references check. They should know you for a few years to provide meaningful feedback on your character.
  • Make sure that those references are people who can highlight your achievement relevant to the target position. They should be aware and speak about your background and experience required to perform in your future job.
  • Talk with each of the top 5 references and ask them for permission to add them as your professional references. Let them know that you are looking for a change and would appreciate it if they can agree to be your references on the professional or personal background.
  • In case one or more references hesitate due to some reason, then politely thank them and replace them with other contacts from your list.
  • Ask them the preferred way to be contacted for a reference check. Are they open to sharing official contact numbers or personal contact details? Or, the combination of both? Verify the mail ID by sending them a test email.
  • Please give priority to references from the recent three jobs.
  • You could send your full or relevant part of the resumes for their information.
  • Let them know the type of role and responsibilities you are looking for in your next job. The information will help them to highlight your matching skills and experience during the background check.

Things to do

Things To Do At Different Stages of References Check

The staffing companies or employers can contact your references before or after your interview. Some companies would prefer to talk to your professional or Personal contacts to shortlist your resume for an interview with the hiring manager. The HR team would like to do due diligence before sending your resume to the Hiring Manager.


Ask the prospective employer or staffing firm to inform you before they start calling your references.
Ask them to contact your references as per the communication preferences checklist provided by you.
Update your references on the organization’s name and the details of the person calling them for a reference check.


  1. If they cannot contact references due to any reason, ask them to update you. You will have the option to bridge the communication gap by establishing a connection with the contact person. You can provide other references in case the original person has any problem.


  • Keep your references updated about your progress on jobs for which they have received reference check calls.
  • Please send them thank you notes after each reference check to show your gratitude for their cooperation.
  • Let them know when you get offers and accept the position.
  • Try to keep them updated once you join and settle down in a new company. They will be happy and feel satisfied that they could contribute something to the progress of your career.

Sample Questions

  • The following is a sample list of questions for a reference check.
  • How long have you known the subject?
  • What is your business relationship with the candidate?
  • Describe [job candidate’s] professional relationship with co-workers, customers, and supervisors.
  • How does the candidate react in stressful situations?
  • Are there any situations in which you would avoid placing the subject?
  • What is your overall opinion of the candidate?
  • What are the subject’s professional strengths?
  • In what areas do you feel the candidate can improve?
  • Does the candidate work better individually or in a group environment?
  • What comments or suggestions would you have for the subject’s new supervisor?
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