Unexpected job loss can be hard to process and accept reality. The COVID-19 has impacted millions of people and millions have lost their job or facing loss in wages. This unprecedented time is important to jump-start your preparation after the loss of a job.

If you have lost your job in this uncertain time then try to come out from the denial phase. You will be better prepare to spring back if you accept the reality and plan your next phase of activities. Always remember that you are much more than the identity provided by your job. You can take it positively to explore other job or career opportunities suitable to your ambition.

Action plan for preparation after job loss

Confident athletic woman in modern business dress standing at an urban crossroads with a contemporary office building in the background.
A decisive moment at the crossroads of change: Embracing new opportunities after professional setbacks.

First, do some research and think if you want to continue on the same type of job and career or want to explore other professional opportunities. This can be an ideal situation if you can carry over your soft skill and hard skills for a new career opportunity. For example, If you are in the service industry with extensive customer experience then you can think of a career where you can add values with your customer services experience.

The second step is to update your resume and create a social profile highlighting your experience and achievements. You can add new experience on your updated resume, and note down important achievement in your career, and how it adds value to your past organizations. You have to invest some quality time to revisit your past employment history to highlight those achievements.

Then the third step is to prepare a list of the type of jobs you are open for and list of companies you want to target. This will help you to focus your energy and give you a sense of direction.

The next important step is to go through different job postings and note down the skills in demand for the jobs you are targeting. You can try to enhance your job prospects by adding skills in demand to your profile.

You can also explore possibility of starting side business or part time work as a way to keep yourself engaged.

Note down the frequently asked questions on your profession and prepare response.

Some of the FAQ during job search

Tell us something about you? They want to know you as a person and your experience relevant to the job. You can start by telling them in two or three-line statements about your personal background as a person. After that, you can let them know your experience which is most relevant to the job under discussion.

Why are you looking for a change? you can expect this question from and she may try to understand your reason for looking for a change. You can feel uneasy if you do not have an answer which you can confidently deliver.

Another question you can be asked is to highlight your value additions to the new organization.

Be optimistic and keep in mind that there will be an opportunity for you to wait at the end of the tunnel. The tunnel can be short or long but you will definitely cross the hurdles.

Take some time to take care of your health and well being.  This is the most ignored part of life after sudden job loss and has the most impact on your performance at the interview. Better physical activities and positive behavioral changes will show the positive attitude at the interview. Your employer is looking for a person with a positive attitude to contribute to the growth of the organization.

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