personality and matching career

Before you started looking for a change in career, take a pause and try to explore your personality type and best matching professions. There are various studies to find the personality and guide individuals to choose the best possible career options matching their personalities.

You will get most job satisfaction when your personality type best match your profession.
you will get the most satisfaction when you have a profession to compliment your personality.

We will share with you two prominent thought on personality type and best matching professions. The two major thoughts on personality type and best matching professions are Mayers and Briggs (MBTI®), and The Enneagram. Try to evaluate both and you can explore opportunities matching your ambition based upon those evaluation matrices.

This is for your reference and you have to consider various other requirements (technical training or management training, professional certifications requirement, etc) to decide which career is most appropriate for you. Once you decide to add new skills-based upon your future plan then you can go through our Changing career post to find options available for updating your skills.

This post will focus on MBTI® and you can evaluate your personality type and suitable profession to match your personal, professional, and financial objectives. Mayers and Briggs created sixteen different personality groups to help people discover their strength and their decision-making process to deal with different scenarios.

Personality traits

So what are those sixteen different personalities and where are you placing yourselves? We can suggest you note down the personality traits similar to the following eight groups. This will help you to do some self-assessment on your future career options.

This system has eight personality traits, E stands for Extraversion, I for Introversion, S for sensing, N for Intuition, T for Thinking, F for feeling, J for Judging, and P for Perceiving.

Extraversion (E) nature is described as talkative and outgoing, like to be in a fast-paced environment, tend to work out ideas with others, and think out loud, they enjoy being the center of attention.

Introversion (I) nature is described as reserved and private, prefer slow pace with time for contemplation, tend to think things through inside their head, would rather observe than be the center of attention.

Sensing (S) nature is to focus on the reality of how things are, pay attention to the concrete facts and details, prefer teas that have practical applications and like to describe things in a specific and literal way.

Intuition (N) nature is someone who imagines the possibilities of how things could be, notice the big picture, see how everything connects, enjoy ideas and concepts for their own sake, and like to describe things in a figurative and poetic way.

Thinking (T) nature is someone who makes decisions in an impersonal way by using logical reasoning, value justice, and fairness, enjoy finding the flaws in an argument, and could be described as reasonable and level headed.

Feeling (F) nature indicates the person based her decision on the personal values and how their actions affect others, value harmony, and forgiveness, like to please others and point out the best in people, could be described as warm and empathetic.

Judging (J) nature is associated with the person who prefers to have matters settled, think rules and deadlines should be respected, prefer to have detailed step-by-step instructions, and make plans, and wants to know what others are getting into.

Perceiving (P) nature is associated with people who prefer to leave their options open, see rules and deadlines as flexible, like to improvise and make things as they go, are spontaneous, enjoy surprises, and new situations.

personality type

A personality is defined by the combinations of four different letters from above as pair and MBTI® has created sixteen such pairs as unique personalities.

INTJ: The intellectual. This is the combination of Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, Judging nature. They are vision-oriented, quietly innovative, Insightful, Logical, Seeks understanding, Critical, Decisive, Independent, determined, pursue competence, and seek improvements. INTJ personalities are skeptical and independent,  they set high standards of competence and performance. Some of the suitable careers are Strategic Masterminds, Software Developers, Technical Writer, Judge, Surgeon, Microbiologist.

ENTJ: The Director. This is a combination of Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Judging. They are Driving Organizer, Planner, Vision focused, Decisive, Initiating, conceptual, strategic, systematic, Assertive, Critical, logical, organized, Pursues improvement, and achievement. ENTJ personalities are strategic leaders and self-driven to bring changes in their own effort. They are good at logical reasoning and good presentation skills. They can enjoy careers such as Driven Directors, executive, Engineer, Attorney, Architect, Physician.

ENTP: The Designer. This is a combination of Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Perceiving. They are energetic, Inventive, Enthusiastic, Abstract, Logical, Theoretical, Analytical, Complex, Ingenious, Verbal, Novelty Seeking, Change Oriented, Global, Independent, and Adaptable. Inspired Inventors, Urban Planner, Entrepreneur, Producer/ Director, Real Estate Agent, Reporter.

ESFP: The Entertainer. They are a combination of Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving. They are Energetic, Sociable, Practical, Friendly, Caring, Expressive, Open, Enthusiastic, Excitement Seeking, Spontaneous, Resourceful, Adaptable, Observant, Hands-on, Generous, and Fun Loving. They can flourish in careers as Recreation Director, Customer Service profession, front office executives, Dental Assistant, Bartender.

INTP: The Architect. This is a combination of Introversion, Institution, Thinking, and Perceiving.

They are logical, Conceptual, Analytical, Objective, Detached, critical, Ingenious, Complex, Intellectually curious, Loves Ideas, Pursues understanding, Questioning, Adaptable, and Independent. They will have fulfilling careers as Independent Scientist, Software Engineer, Medical Scientist, Mathematician, Psychiatrist, College Professor.

INFJ: The Confidant. This is a combination of Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging; They are quietly intense, Insightful, creative, Sensitive, Seeks Harmony, growth, serious, Love Languages, Symbols, Persevering and Inspiring. They can enjoy fulfilling careers as Compassionate Counselors, School Counselors, Writer, Interior Designer, Pediatrician, and Veterinarian.

ESTP:  The Showman. They are a combination of Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving. They are excitement seeking, Active, Pragmatic, Direct, Easygoing, observant, concrete, realistic, Adaptable, efficient, Analytical, Troubleshooter, Spontaneous, Adventurous, Experiential. They can enjoy careers as Sales Manager, Financial Advisor, Police Detective, Building contractor, Military officer.

INFP: The Helper. This is the combination of Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Perceiving. They have deep-felt valuing, Quietly caring, compassionate, Pursues meaning, harmony, creative, Idealistic, Empathetic Helpers, Inquisitive, Enjoys Ideas, Language, writing, Independent, adaptable. Creative Individuals, Poet, Animator, Psychologist, Librarian, Author, Fine Artist.

ISFP: The Chameleon. This is a combination of Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving.  They are gentle, quietly caring, compassionate, Adoptable, Modest, Aesthetic, Idealistic, Observant, Loyal, Helpful, Realistic, Patient with details, Spontaneous, find joy in action. They enjoy their own space and work within their time frame and do not want to force their opinions or values on others. They can enjoy careers as Attentive Artisans, Veterinary Technician, Equipment Repairer, Surveyor, Home Health Aide, Jeweler.

ENFJ: The Educator. They are a combination of Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling and Judging, Feeling, and Judging. They are actively sociable, Enthusiastic, Harmonizer, Expressive, Warm, Idealistic, Empathetic, Possibility Oriented, Insightful, Cooperative, Imaginative, conscientious, Appreciative, and Tactful. Charismatic, Inspiring. Some of the suitable career for ENFJ personalities are Non-Profit Director, Teacher. Health Educator, PR Specialist, and Minister.

ISTP: The Innovator. This is the combination of Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving. They are logical, quietly Analytical, Practical, Adaptable, Curious, Cool, Observer, Problem Solver, Exact, Realistic, Troubleshooters, Hands-on, Adventurous, Independent. They are good at analyzing data from different sources and finding the root cause of the problems. Some of the suitable careers are Adaptable Technicians. Carpenter, Mechanic, Computer Hardware Engineer, Operations Analyst.

ESTJ: The Manager. This is a combination of Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging. They are active organizer, Logical, Assertive, Fact Minded, Decisive, Practical, Results-oriented, Analytical, Systematic, Concrete, Critical, Responsible, Take charges, and common sense. Some of the suitable careers are Practical Supervisor, General Manager, Insurance Agent, Loan Officer, School Administrator, Chef.

ENFP: The Advocates. This is a combination of Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Perceiving. They are Enthusiastic, Imaginative, Energetic, Creative, Warm, Future-oriented, Individualistic, Insightful, Caring, Optimistic, possibility focused, Open, novelty-seeking, spontaneous, and playful.  Some of the suitable careers are as Recreational Therapist, Restaurateur, Preschool Teacher, Travel Writer, Landscape Architect.

ESFJ: The Contributor. This is a combination of Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging. They are actively sociable, Warm, Harmonizer, caring, Enthusiastic, Empathetic, People-Oriented, Practical, Responsible, Concrete, orderly, conscientious, cooperative, appreciative, and Loyal.  Some of the suitable careers are as Caring Provider, Elementary Teacher, Child Care Director, Nutritionist, Cosmetologists

ISFJ:  The defender. This is the combination of Introversion, sensing, Feeling, and Judging.  They are Quiet, friendly, responsible, and conscientious. Committed and steady in meeting their obligations.  They are thorough, painstaking, and accurate. Loyal, considerate, notice, and remember specifics about people who are important to them, concerned with how others feel. Strive to create an orderly and harmonious environment at work and at home. They are best suited for careers as Sensible Helpers, Social Worker, Bookkeeper, Medical Secretary, Executive Assistant, and Kindergarten Teacher.

ISTJ: The Auditor. This is the combination of Introversion, sensing, Thinking, and Judging. They are responsible for the realist personality. The responsible realist type of personality is responsible, sincere, analytical, reserved, realistic, systematic, Hardworking, and trustworthy with sound practical judgment. Some of the suitable careers are Accountant, Office Manager, probation officer, logistics, and systems administrator.

personality type and best matching professions

The following infographic by CAS (Career Assessment Site)has presented the above combinations and some of the known faces to get better ideas on personality type and best matching professions. Also, you can get additional information to decide which job can give you more satisfaction.


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